Thursday 4 December 2014

Low Bunk Beds For Kids

Kids should not jump on the top bunk, even if it is low to the floor.

Children need to be involved in the design of their rooms. When their choices involve bunk beds, parents might have a hard time picturing their children climbing to a top bunk and enjoying a safe night's sleep. As bunk beds have a mattress foundation more than 30 inches above the floor, low bunk beds are another choice to the standard bunk bed. Does this Spark an idea?


Low bunk bed design is special for spaces with low ceilings. They usually have a height between 8 and 12 feet high. Bunk beds usually come with two beds, where one bed is directly below the other. However, bunk or loft beds range from one to three bunks. Some low bunk bed makers place one bed underneath perpendicular to the top bunk. There are usually steps or a ladder to climb to get to the upper bunk. Each bed has a special mattress, which is comparable to a smaller twin size. There are also all-in-one bunk beds that come with a pull-out bottom bunk, upper bunk, desk, chest, ladder and storage closet.


Low bunk beds often come with a kids theme and accessories. Girl's themes range from pink princesses to flower child, whereas boys come in blue sporty and GI Joe themes. Low loft beds sometimes have more accessories, such as a mirror, five drawer chest, hutch and matching chairs. Kids might enjoy more adventurous accessories that include tents and slides.


When buying direct from a store, it is possible to have the bed pre-assembled beforehand for a fee. However, in most cases, or when buying online, assembly is required for low bunk beds. There are multiple parts to a bunk bed. The beds come with rails, bed ends, ladder, bed side guard rails, mattress, bolts and screws. The bottom bunk is the first assembled, then ladder and upper bunk bed ends and guard rails. Before purchasing the bunk bed, check the assembly directions and ask any questions if unclear.

Safety Features

Low bunk beds are safer than regular bunk beds as they are lower to the ground. However, they still require that children climb to the top bunk. One concern is that a child might fall out of the top bunk. Guard or safety rails are federally regulated for bunk beds to be 5 inches or higher. In addition, ladders should have handrails with broad steps and grooves.

Tags: bunk beds, come with, bunk beds, upper bunk, bottom bunk