Friday, 14 November 2014

Diy Plans For A Hope Chest With A Cushion

A hope chest makes an excellent addition to your home furnishings. It's elegant, while adding storage space. When you make one with a seat cushion on top, it becomes a functional piece of furniture, adding extra seating to the room you place it in. A hope chest also makes a wonderful gift, especially for a daughter, granddaughter, niece or even your wife. Does this Spark an idea?

Choosing the Design

Many chest designs are available. Design and build a hope chest that's in a mission style, a contemporary style with sleek lines, a traditional or Victorian style with ornate carvings, or a country style with a very simple design. Make your choice based on the tastes of the person who will receive the hope chest.

Also design your hope chest to fit any dimensions. Make a long, narrow hope chest or a smaller trunk to fit in a confined space or anything in between.

No matter what design you choose, adapt it to include a seat cushion on the lid.

Review woodworking magazines and websites for tips on designing and building furniture. Many of these resources contain free design plans you can adapt and customize to fit your needs.

Selecting the Wood

Since you are including a seat cushion on your hope chest, you'll want to build it out of a nice, sturdy wood rather than out of a material like wicker. You want the hope chest to hold the weight of anyone sitting on it. The traditional wood choice for hope chests is cedar because its scent is a natural insect repellant. Any blankets or clothes stored in a cedar hope chest are safe from moths --- no moth balls needed. Another good wood choice is oak. Oak is a hard, durable wood with a beautiful, distinctive grain. It works well for hope chests that may double as a seat.

Using the Right Tools

When it's time to build your hope chest, the right tools are important. The right tools will help you save time and build a high-quality finished product. Depending on the design you choose, you will likely need a power saw and a belt sander at the very least.

Pay particular attention to the joints in your designs. You want good, strong joints that are also attractive. Biscuit joints, mortise and tenon joints and mitered joints are all strong and don't require a lot of exposed hardware. A power biscuit jointer, a miter saw and mortising chisel make these joints easier to produce than attempting them by hand.

Piano hinges are a good choice for connecting the hope chest lid, especially since you will be covering the lid with a seat cushion.

Tags: hope chest, seat cushion, style with, your hope, your hope chest