Friday 27 March 2015

Charities To Donate Furniture

Various organizations and charities accept used furniture donations.

Gently used furniture is often a sought-after commodity by charities and nonprofit organizations. Some agencies may be able to redistribute furnishings directly to those in need, while others sell the items to raise funds for their community programs. Often larger organizations can assist with picking up heavy items as well, to make the process of donating furniture to charity an easy one.

National Furniture Bank

The National Furniture Bank is a charity launched in 1999 to help redistribute unwanted furniture to those in need. Often, families experiencing disaster, abuse or financial problems need to move into new homes. Although they may find a new place to live, there often are no funds left over to purchase household furnishings. Families may be left living in completely empty apartments or homes as couches, chairs and tables can be expensive. Those in need may contact the National Furniture Bank and receive essential furnishings for their home.

Salvation Army

Salvation Army is a well known and older organization that runs thrift stores throughout the nation. The revenue from these stores goes to pay for the Salvation Army's charitable causes such as homeless shelters and substance abuse centers. The Salvation Army accepts all types of donations, including furniture. As they are well-established, a simple phone call can arrange for a donation truck to be at your doorstep in order to pick up the donated items. Another organization Big Brothers and Sisters, which assists low-income children, may also have trucks available for furniture pick up in your community.

Goodwill Industries

Goodwill is another charity associated with a national chain of thrift stores. Goodwill retail shops use the proceeds from selling used items to fund employment and educational programs. According to Goodwill Industries, in 2009 alone, the organization assisted more than 1.9 million people with career services. Goodwill usually accepts donated furniture right at the thrift store, with a separate back entrance to drop off items. Call ahead of time about beds or mattresses, as many locations do not accept them.


ReDo is a national reuse network that offers a clearinghouse of information about where to donate unwanted large items and the benefits of doing so. ReDo's mission is to encourage reuse, keep materials out of landfills and help assist low-income community members locate necessary items. The ReDo network maintains a list of reuse warehouses where companies and stores can donate office equipment and inventory surplus. Their warehouses also provide a means for locating used building materials at low cost.

Local Chairties

Often, smaller charities in your own town or community may run a small thrift shop or flea market to benefit a charity. Such organizations include women's shelters, churches, drug treatment centers and animal rescue groups. It is a good idea to ask a local secondhand shop if they are affiliated with a charity. Many smaller organizations, such as churches, may actually be able to use the unwanted furniture themselves for their own public areas.

Tags: Salvation Army, Furniture Bank, National Furniture, National Furniture Bank, Goodwill Industries, those need, thrift stores