Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Quit Doubting Your Salvation

You remember a time you realized you were a sinner and knew that Jesus was God's Son, Who died to give you a home in heaven and rose again, just for you. You know you trusted Him. For whatever reason, however, you just don't have peace; you doubt your salvation. It is possible to stop doubting.


1. Realize that knowing you are saved comes from believing the Bible, not trusting your feelings, not having confidence in yourself or anything you have ever done right, or kicking yourself for something you have done wrong. If you are ever to have peace about this all important issue, it will come only through reading the Bible, God making it real to your, and through prayer.

2. Have confidence that the God Who let His Son die for you, Who made heaven and earth, Whom you once believed in, cannot lie. Do you honestly believe God can lie? It might help to memorize Titus 1:2, which teaches that God promised eternal life before the world began, and He cannot lie. If you really know you once believed in Jesus as your Savior, ask God to make the verse real to you.

3. Know that the Bible teaches that Satan roams about like a roaring lion to devour those whom he may. It also teaches in James 4:7, that if we submit to God and then resist the Devil, he will flee from us. If you know you once believed in Jesus as Savior, pray to God and tell Him that, ask Him to make His Word real to you and give you peace. Also, confess any known sin in your life.

4. Memorize several verses that promise salvation to those who have received Jesus and think on them whenever you doubt. Some such verses are: John 3:16; John 5:24; Romans 1:16; John 6:39-40; 1 John 5:11-13.

5. Remember that ultimately, the only way you will be sure of your salvation is by knowing you have believed in Jesus, His life, death on the cross, and resurrection--nothing else you have ever done or will do. The Bible does teach us that many things in our life will be different after we have, and if you have trusted Christ, you will see some of these things, such as: you began to walk in the light of His Word (1 John 1:7); you quit living in constant, deliberate sin, even though Christians never reach sinless perfection (1 John 3:9); and you began to love Christians rather than dread being around them (1 John 3:14).

Tags: believed Jesus, once believed, ever done, have ever, have ever done, have peace, know once