Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Introduce A Christian Speaker

A Christian speaker is similar to any other speaker, but he or she may have a different agenda and sometimes target audience. For example, one Christian speaker may have a niche audience of single teens, and another one may appeal to older generations. Other speakers may not try to convert others to their religion, just their other point of view. So, introducing a Christian speaker is not any more difficult than introducing any other speaker. The key is to remain confident and knowledgeable about who you are speaking about. This article will help people of any background prepare and execute an effective introduction for a Christian speaker, but it can be applied introducing other speakers as well. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Gain as much information as you can about the speaker. The speaker or the speaker's publicist usually has a press packet you can obtain. Press packets are valuable because they show where the speaker has been and if he or she has written any books or articles. Also take a peek at the speaker's website. His or her information is usually included in the "About" section. Read some of the speaker's work if he or she has written something to get a better feel about the person.

2. Find out why the speaker is coming to your venue. Is this person a youth worker or someone who talks with the elderly? Ask if there is a specific topic the speaker is trying to cover. Take specific notes on what the person will talk about next to your research on the speaker.

3. Write a rough overview of the person's life and include a brief explanation of why this particular person is relevant to your niche audience. The audience will want to know the basics to give the speaker some credibility before he or she gets to the microphone.

4. Add a few finishing touches to the beginning and the end of your short speech. For example, "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I hope everyone is doing well tonight. My name is Joe Smith, and I am here to introduce a very special person...." Tell people what your organization is about if the organization is sponsoring the speaker, but keep it to about two sentences. Remember that the focus is on the speaker. People did not pay to see you, but you do have a right to introduce people to who you are.

5. Practice in front of the mirror or for someone who will give you honest and constructive feedback. Know why you are saying every word and pace yourself. Time how long your speech is. Make sure you are not making the speech 10 or 20 minutes long. Provide snippets of the person and let the speaker do the rest. Keep the speech down to five minutes tops.

6. Prepare note cards with key words you will remember in case you lose what you want to say. Give the audience eye contact when you are speaking and exude confidence. If you make a mistake, the audience won't know unless you let them know you did. Show the audience you are polished and ready for the speaker to come.

Tags: Christian speaker, introducing other, niche audience, other speaker, speaker have, speaker speaker