Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Identify An Old Rocking Chair

Rocking chairs are great for relaxation. Rockers also give a room a feel of the past. Many times, people will prefer to have an old rocking chair to make the room look more traditional. There are many old rocking chairs to be found in antique stores after they have been refinished and/or repaired. They are remarkable to have in your home and are worth trying to find. Yet, it is sometimes difficult to tell if they are truly old rockers. Learn tell if the rocking chair is really an old one.


1. Notice how old the wood appears. Does it seem faded, chipped or nicked in a few places? This means the rocking chair is old. Look to see if repairs have been made to it, particularly in the joint areas or a crack in the wood. Look at the backing to see if one of the wood slats has been replaced.

2. Look at the finish of the rocking chair. Is it shellac? This will indicate that the rocking chair is old. Shellac was more commonly used in placing a finish on wood until the late 1800s. If you cannot tell, use a drop of denatured alcohol on a spot that is hardly noticeable to see if the finish comes off. If it does, it is shellac. Milk paint, wax and oil finishes were also used. To test any of these 3, use a small amount of ammonia on the wood to see if the finish is removed.

3. Check for straight cuts. Old rocking chairs will have straight edges and not rounded or arc shapes in the cut wood. Old rocking chairs were made by hand and hand tools, not machinery.

4. Recognize the type of wood the rocking chair is made of. The most common type of wood used for older rocking chairs was oak. Mahogany, walnut and pine were used as well, but not as frequently. Pine was also used because it was easy to work.

5. Feel the weight of the old rocking chair. If the rocking chair hasn't been damaged, it should be rather heavy. The wood used years ago was thicker and more durable than the wood used in newer rocking chairs.

Tags: rocking chair, rocking chairs, wood used, also used, have been, rocking chairs