Thursday, 24 September 2015

James Bond Birthday Party Ideas

Dark sunglasses would be appropriate party favors.

The James Bond films and the novels upon which the films were based have captivated the imaginations of many people. Whether you dream of being a supervillain-fighting secret agent with an invisible car or if you're just organizing a birthday party for a Bond fanatic, choose activities and decor that resonate with the dangerous, glamorous world of Bond...James Bond. Does this Spark an idea?

Top-Secret Invitations

Issue Bond-worthy party invitations that will intrigue and excite the party guests in advance of the celebration. Print a cryptic message in the center of one side of a small piece of white card stock (a quarter the size of a standard piece of printer paper)---something like "Prepare to receive secret transmission." Use a block-style, all-caps font and electric green text, creating a retro computer look. On the back of the card, print "Mission: Celebrate Cody's 13th birthday," followed by the date and location details. Include any special attire instructions, such as "Wear a suit" or "Wear clothes that can get dirty." At the bottom of the card, write "This message will self-destruct in 3, 2, 1..."

Following an idea described in the article "James Bond Theme Party" on the Celebrations website, enclose the invitation card in a manila envelope. Stamp the envelope "Top Secret" with red ink.

Diamond Decor

Decorate the party space with cardboard pistol cutouts painted black, suggests the article "James Bond Theme Party" on the Celebrations website, and scatter plastic diamonds on the main table. Hang posters of classic Bond films such as "From Russia With Love."

Agent Testing

Climbing is very safe when supervised by a certified professional.

Head out to a firing range for a chance to learn about handling and using a pistol (Bond's weapon of choice). Hold a contest to see who can get the closest to hitting the bull's-eye. If a firing range is out of your budget or if such an excursion would be inappropriate (if, for example, some of the party guests will be very young), set up a home version of the exercise by tossing darts at target boards with balloons attached to the center. Other excursions that would be suitable for a party full of Bond wannabes include paintball, laser tag, a high-ropes challenge course, or a high-adrenaline outdoor activity such as rock climbing.

Tags: James Bond, article James, article James Bond, Bond films, Bond Theme, Bond Theme Party