Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Care For Junipers

Grown as ground cover, a shrub or even a dwarf tree, junipers offer gardeners a range of colors and textures and work well in practically any yard. Evergreen varieties are disease-free and even thrive in full sun. While the plants require very little maintenance and have a long life span, there are still a few simple things to do to properly care for a juniper. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Plant the juniper in the right space. Before planting, it’s important to know the plant’s mature height and then marry the right variety with the right place.

2. Feed the shrub and tree variety annually, preferably in the fall. Be sure to select a fertilizer that is not nitrogen based, and when applying take extra precaution not to have the fertilizer touch the foliage.

3. Be sure to water, especially during long droughts. Although junipers are known for being able to withstand hot and dry conditions, they still require some watering. Junipers that get too dry will attract mites, causing damage to the plant. Junipers prefer being watered slowly and deeply once every 7 to 10 days. Using a soak hose will allow proper watering.

4. Prune them correctly, if at all. Clipping the tips of the ground cover encourages bushiness. The best time to prune a juniper is in late winter or early spring.

Tags: ground cover