Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Price An Antique Maple Dressing Table

Pricing an antique maple dressing table takes a little time to find a good cross-section of prices for an excellent quality antique. Prices may vary somewhat, depending on your location, and whether you will need the maple dressing table shipped or not. Antiques are usually solid wood and extremely heavy--so bear that in mind if you are figuring shipping costs. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Call antique shops in your area; ask if they have any antique maple dressing tables for sale in their store, and if so, how much? Shipping a heavy antique item from any distance may be price-prohibitive, due to hauling and freight charges plus insurance; therefore, arrange to visit the shop and collect the item yourself.

2. Check out a Birdseye Antique Maple Dressing Table from an eBay seller (see Resources). The bidding is currently at $229 plus $119 shipping charges. The piece has a triple connected set of mirrors that are adjustable.

3. Take a look at a bargain-priced antique maple dressing table with matching bench--a steal at $400 (see Resources) Excellent condition, requires no repairs whatsoever, as you can see from the picture of the piece. Contact the seller.

4. Note this price for an antique maple dressing table offered by Buysell (see Resources) for $425. It's a charming birdseye, serpentine-fronted, ladies' low-boy dressing table with lyre-shaped mirror stand.

5. Look to Craigslist (see Resources) for this rare find of an antique maple dressing table with attached mirror for just $150. Check out the pictures of this excellent piece which would complement any woman's bedroom suite.

6. Bid at $100 for this Tiger maple, one draw, turned legs with turret corners, antique dressing table at Findcheapauctions (see Resources); a rather plain piece with no frills. Estimated selling price is placed by the optimistic seller at between $200 and $600. There is no mention of a shipping price.

Tags: dressing table, maple dressing, antique maple, maple dressing table, antique maple dressing