Tuesday 12 May 2015

Make Furniture From Hockey Sticks

For sports fanatics who enjoy home crafts and DIY enrichment, making your own furniture out of hockey sticks can be enjoyable, rewarding and perhaps even a second form of income. If these steps are followed you can make an attractive conversation piece that hockey lovers will admire.


Hockey Lover's Coffee Table

1. Place two hockey sticks together, with each end pointing in opposite directions, making it curve upward at each end while stuck together.This should make it curve up at opposite sides. Secure tightly with the cordless drill, putting two screws into each end. Repeat this step with two more hockey sticks, using four hockey sticks in all.

2. Use the tape measure and mark a line with your pencil about seven inches from the tip of the curved part of the stick, on the inner side of the curve. Do this on each of the sticks that have been screwed together, on each end of the stick.

3. Repeat Step 1, with four more hockey sticks, and follow up by marking with the pencil seven inches from the curve on the outer side of the curve.

4. With the cordless hand saw, carefully cut into the pencil marks on the the sticks. Cut about two inches deep, and make the cuts about a quarter of an inch in width.

5. Place two of the hockey stick structures with sides that have the gap cut out of them onto the floor, facing upward. They need to be parallel to each other, and about three feet apart.

6. Place the remaining two hockey stick structures on top of the ones that are on the floor. The gaps in these sticks need to line up with the gaps in the floor sticks, causing them to lock together, while being placed horizontally, in opposition to the sticks on the floor.

7. Use the handsaw and cut the remaining four hockey sticks into halves. These will then be secured together in the same fashion as the previously secured sticks. There should be eight pieces once this task is completed. There should be two structures that are like the ones you made in step one, only smaller. and two will have no curves.

8. Repeat Steps 2 and 4 with the smaller sticks, making sure two of the structures have gaps cut out on the outer side of the curve, and two of them have the gaps cut on the inner side.

9. On two of the smaller stick structures, cut another gap on the opposite sides of the previously cut gaps. These two sticks will be the only ones with a gap cut out on each side.

10. Using the sticks with the double gaps, lock in place over top of the structure you've built on the floor. Make sure that one of these sticks are placed on each side, about eight inches from the edge on either side.

11. With the remaining two sticks, lock down on top of the table frame, in the direct center. These are to provide added support. These are the sticks that are not curved.

12. Securely screw each hockey puck to the top of the table frame. Each puck needs to be placed on the four corners of the upper levels of the frame. (i.e. the corners of the smaller sticks)

13. Glue a felt circle on top of each of the hockey pucks after screwing them tightly into place. Let dry thoroughly.

14. Place the tempered glass section on top of this frame. The felt on the hockey pucks will hold it in place, and prevent sliding, and the space between the glass and the frame (where the larger hockey sticks are) will provide plenty of space for magazines and other items.

Tags: hockey sticks, inches from, side curve, stick structures, each hockey