Tuesday 5 May 2015

Get Rid Of Stuff For Free

Clutter seems to accumulate quickly.

Clutter just seems to multiply in our homes and garages when left alone. As our lives become busier, unused items get relegated to closets, drawers and garages. Old furniture, unused exercise equipment, outdated clothes, and bric-a-brac become eyesores and dust-catchers. Study results from the National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization claim that excess clutter can cause stress and depression. Experts believe that clearing our homes of surplus and unneeded things can clear our minds and streamline our lives as well. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Many charities will pick up donations from the curbside.

Call a local charity-run thrift shop. Donating your unused belongings can help others. Ask which day pickups are made in your neighborhood. Place your discards on the curb the night before collection day. Tape a note with the organization's name on the donated items to avoid confusion.

2. One person's cast-offs can be used by others.

List items for free on Craigslist.com or Freecycle.org. Give a complete and detailed description of the item(s) in your listing. Make a comment that the item(s) are free if the recipient is willing to pick up your item(s).

3. Yard litter is often picked up by municipal bulk trash pickup.

Place branches, broken furniture and other bulky items for disposal on the curb for city bulk trash pickup. Check the local municipal website, or call the city for regulations and dates. Place your items on the curb the night before the scheduled pickup date.

4. Even with fees, selling on an auction site is profitable.

Sell your discards on an online auction site. Such websites keep a small portion of the profit and charge a nominal listing fee, but you will profit.

5. Yard sales are a popular way of disposing of unneeded items.

Hold a yard sale. Gather and organize the items for sale the day before. Invite friends and family to join in; you will increase profits and have fun at the same time. Things that don't sell can then be donated to charity.

6. Old electronics need to be recycled.

Call the city dump and ask if it has an electronics recycling center. Visit epa.gov for organizations that will collect or accept old computers and electronics.

7. Old eyeglasses can be used by others.

Take magazines to waiting rooms at hospitals, clinics and doctor's offices. Donate old eyeglasses to the Lion's Club through most optical stores. Unneeded canned goods can be donated to a food bank.

8. Even hot tubs can be donated.

Donate hot tubs and spas to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. The Make-A-Wish Foundation also accepts frequent flyer miles, sunglasses, and crayons and markers. Old cars can be donated to the SPCA, The American Diabetes Association, The American Red Cross, and other charitable organizations.

Tags: auction site, bulk trash, bulk trash pickup, curb night, curb night before, Make-A-Wish Foundation, night before