Tuesday 12 May 2015

Beat The Final Destination Mission Of "Grand Theft Auto Iv"

This is a mission you will accept from Faustin, so head to his bar to talk with him when you want to engage in the mission. This mission will involve some tricky driving and healthy dose of combat. Stock up on health, body armor and an much ammo as you think you will need. You should have access to the micro-SMG by this point. This is the best gun with which to complete this mission and will make one particular section a whole lot easier. In this level, you will ambush a group of thugs, take out a couple of them, then chase the last one down as he attempts to flee. You will receive $500 for the successful completion of this mission.



1. Head over to the navigation point marked on your map after accepting the mission from Faustin. Niko will automatically call Faustin when you arrive.

2. Head to the train platform, you will find it down a hill to the North.

3. Take out the thug that is with Lenny. It's unlikely you will finish off Lenny before he flees the train station, and while you are focused on him, the thug will be cutting your health to pieces.

4. Give chase to Lenny. If you kill the thug and get after him quickly enough, you have a chance to kill him before he can reach his car. This will save you the headache of having to chase him down in a car.


5. Find a car in the event you fail to prevent Lenny from escaping. The faster the car the better, as Lenny has a reasonably quick ride, but don't waste too much time or you will lose him.

6. Try to trap Lenny by getting in front of him. Use your mini map to try to cut him off.

7. Pull up beside Lenny and pour bullets into his ride with the left bumper/L1.

8. Tap the back of Lenny's car to send him off the road if you are having trouble getting up beside him while he is at full speed. This will cause more collateral damage and increases your chances of picking up a wanted level, but makes finishing off Lenny much easier.

Tags: mission will, from Faustin, this mission, This mission will, This will