Wednesday 13 May 2015

Host A Church Fair

A Church Fair creates a time of bonding, fun and fellowship among the church body. A Church Fair is also an amazing opportunity to evangelize and invite friends, family or neighbors. Host a church fair to encourage fun and outreach to others to come together for good family fun.


1. Organize a fair committee to help make plans and make sure the fair runs smoothly.

2. Institute a budget for the fair. The budget helps establish plans and needs.

3. Establish a date and location where the fair will be held.

4. Plan for the fair to be held during lunch or dinner hours. This allows people to enjoy a few hours of play and entertainment and is an opportune time for fellowship.

5. Chose a location that will best suit games, entertainment, food and social interaction. Set up a stage for the entertainment, booths or areas for games, and tables and chairs for people to eat and visit.

6. Create a fun theme for a church fair. A theme can add character and fun to your fair. Try a theme like Noah's Ark or God's Creation with a petting zoo and animals, or try a theme that is Carnival Fun with games and clowns.

7. Prepare a menu that will go along with your theme. Ask volunteers to make potluck dishes, set up barbecue grills to cook burgers or hotdogs or make sandwiches. Add chips or fruit to go along with your menu and be sure to include pop, punch or water. Also, ice cream or floats are a hit!

8. Ask the church body to set up and run booths of home made crafts, baked goods or garage sale items to sell.

9. Create a game atmosphere of fun and joy for kids of all ages. Plan for carnival games, booths or stations for the kids. Also you can rent a "Bounce House" for kids to jump and have a ball.

10. Select entertainment. A few ideas for entertainment may be: a Band, a DJ, talent show, karaoke, comedy or theatre. Chose entertainment that is appropriate for your church fair but is also geared to entertain and have fun.

11. Explore the opportunity to use a church fair as a fund raising opportunity. You can sell food tickets or game tickets to help raise funds to cover the costs of the fair or use the funds as a donation to a charity or organization.

Tags: church fair, Church Fair, along with, along with your, church body, fair theme, that will