Friday 24 April 2015

Ideas For Pool Designs

A rectangular pool offers plenty of surface area for a deck or patio.

When installing a backyard pool, homeowners often want an unusual, eye-catching design that stands out amidst the rest of their landscape. Depending on the style that you prefer, there are several options that can make a statement in your yard. If you are having trouble choosing a design for your home, examine the way in which you plan to use your pool, and you will likely find an option that best meets your specific needs. Does this Spark an idea?

Rectangular Pool

For a traditional pool design, a rectangular shape may be the best fit. This type of pool works well in a large backyard and provides significant surface area for use as a patio or deck. A rectangular pool is also the ideal option if you plan to swim laps or use your pool for water volleyball or basketball games. Because of its wide open space, a rectangular pool is suited for many activities and usually has enough room to be fitted with accessories, such as a diving board or slide.

L-Shaped Pool

If you want a standard rectangular pool but cannot fit one in your backyard, an L-shaped pool is an ideal alternative. It is actually a variation on the rectangular pool, featuring two smaller rectangular sections that form a 90 degree angle. As a result, it may be placed in a corner so a portion of it spans your side yard while the other section lies in the backyard. Like a rectangular pool, L-shaped pools provide a great deal of pool space but are better suited if you plan to use the deep and shallow ends of the pool at the same time for different activities.

Lagoon Style Pool

For a stunning, natural look, choose a lagoon style pool. This style of pool is a type of free-form pool, which means it does not have a standard shape and is instead designed to fit the contours of your particular landscape. As a result, it has an outline that resembles that of a natural lagoon or lake instead of a rigid, geometric shape. When designing a lagoon style pool, you can add to the natural feel by incorporating trees and plants in the poolside landscape. Boulders and other rock formations may be placed around the pool for a naturalistic effect as well. However, if you want a truly dramatic look for your lagoon style pool, a rock waterfall adds appropriate drama and visual interest.

Beach Entry Pool

One of the more individual designs available for a pool is the beach entry style. Unlike traditional pools that feature steps leading down to the pool's shallow end, a beach entry provides a more natural descent into your pool's water. Instead of steps, the pool's deck gradually slopes down below the water surface so the pool slowly becomes deeper as you move forward just as when you enter the ocean at the beach. Like a lagoon style pool, beach entry pool designs are ideal for including natural elements, like boulders and waterfalls, because they help further the illusion of being at the beach or another natural body of water.

Tags: rectangular pool, style pool, beach entry, lagoon style, lagoon style pool