Wednesday 8 April 2015

Donate Tickets

Many nonprofit organizations accept donated tickets.

An in-kind donation is the donation of something other than money, such as time, a service or material goods, including tickets. Nonprofits may use tickets for fundraising, such as in an auction, or they may distribute them to the population they serve. In-kind donations like tickets can be a valuable resource to nonprofits as they allow them to use cash for other items that have not been or cannot be donated. Ticket donations can also provide an opportunity for someone to attend an event who otherwise could not do so.


Donate Tickets

1. Decide which nonprofit should receive the donation. This can be done by consulting an organization's website to learn about its mission and, in some cases, reviewing a list of items that the organization accepts. If the organization does not have a website, information can also be obtained by calling the organization and asking for information about its mission and the type of in-kind donations it accepts.

2. Call the organization and confirm that it can accept your tickets. Not all nonprofits have a need for tickets and if the organization is not given enough notice about the event, it may not be able to use them. Explain the type of event associated with the tickets, the number of tickets, the location of the event, the date of the event and the value of the tickets. Nonprofits do need to keep a record of the value of in-kind donations because it is information that is required when they apply for grants.

3. Give the organization your name and address if you would like to receive a letter confirming your donation. According to the Internal Revenue Service, tickets valued at $250 or more cannot be claimed as a deduction on a tax return without written confirmation from the organization that received the donation.

4. Follow the organization's instructions for delivering the tickets. This can include mailing the tickets or taking them to the organization's office in person.

Tags: about mission, Donate Tickets, in-kind donations, items that