Tuesday 21 April 2015

Do The Quest Of The Beetles In "Wizard101"

Created and published by Kingslsle Entertainment, Wizard101 is a massive multiplayer online game where players take on the role of wizards. You take on the role of student in the game and advance to save "The Spiral" by accepting quests to learn spells, gain equipment, collect gold and battle creatures using a turn-based combat system. Although designed for pre-teens, the game appeals to all ages. To successfully complete the quest of the beetles, you must find and collect all of the hidden beetles in different locations of the game.


1. Navigate at the Oasis toward the Krokotopia Library. Move toward the front right-hand corner of the building to locate the first beetle. To collect the second beetle, locate the Robe and Deck shop and go behind it through the left side of the building to collect it.

2. Move inside the Pyramid of the Sun at the Altar of Kings. Go forward and turn left when you get to Professor Winthrop. Descend the stairs and keep to your right until you meet a blocked entrance where you'll find the beetle among the blocks.

3. Locate the beetle at the Excavation Site at the Chamber of Fire by going across the ramps to the far side. Bypass Assistant Danforth and turn right on the side of the scaffolds to find the beetle near some crates.

4. Turn left of the Giant Sphinx on Krokosphinx Island instead of entering. Walk up to the first wooden ramp to collect the beetle.

5. Go inside the Great Sphinx at the Entrance Hall. Move up the left-side stairs that lead up to the vault of ice to locate the beetle at the top on the right side.

6. Enter the terrain that has the lake at the Emperor's Retreat. Move directly across the frozen lake from the entrance on a wooden pier near a small building.

7. Walk around the Tomb of Storms and behind the Sphinx portal you came out of to locate the beetle.

8. Enter the Well of Spirits and move up the stairs near the D'jesent Family Tomb. Turn left and look directly behind the giant Krok statue to collect the beetle.

9. Look by the door of the non-accessible building at the Karanahn Barracks to the far corner of the non-battle area to find the beetle.

Tags: find beetle, collect beetle, locate beetle, right side, take role, Turn left