Thursday 30 October 2014

Building Hot Tubs

Finding a Good Fit

If you want to build your own hot tub, you have choices. You can find a small, large or mid-size tub, whatever fits in your home and makes you happy. There's dozens of hot tub makers, too, and they offer all sorts of features. Some even allow you to choose the exterior of the tub deck and will complete the additional building required to install the tub. Other offer completely customized hot tubs, which are also a great value.

Going Custom

If you want exactly the right fit, you can go custom. You can actually build your own hot tub using plans and information from a custom hot tub company. It features CDs that show you build and install a hot tub. These cover everything from creating the hot tub shell or pool to building the deck and installing the motors. They can save you a lot on your hot tub, too.

Making the Shell

A hot tub shell is made of plastic and polymer or fiberglass. It is possible to build one yourself, but you are better offer just buying a shell from a factory or hot tub builder. The shell needs to be strong and comfortable, and it has many complex shapes. So making a form for one of these will take hours and may not be that cost-effective either.

Installing the Decking

If you buy a hot tub shell, you will probably buy the motor with it. This will come with installation instructions, so follow them carefully. You will need to install a deck, which can be made of wood or tile. Tile hot tubs are very nice because they last a long time and are easy to clean. They won't warp and resist rot much better than a wood deck. Wood will offer the value of added atmosphere, however.

Freestanding Tubs

The other option is to buy a standing, pre-built hot tub and simply put it in your home. This is the easiest way to enjoy a hot tub. You can even build a deck around it or simply enjoy the benefits of an in-home spa.

Tags: build your, your home