Tuesday 4 August 2015

Apiary Associations

Apiary associations help to educate, protect and represent beekeepers and the honey industry.

Apiary, or beekeeping, associations provide their members with education, representation and advice and information about the process of keeping bees, the honey industry and government regulations. They are supported by membership programs, grants and donations. Apiary associations offer information on changes in local and federal government rules and recommendations to their membership through newsletters, annual meetings, competitions, classes and seminars. Most associations have mission statements that include representing beekeepers and the honey industry with regard to standards and practices. Does this Spark an idea?

American Beekeeping Federation

The American Beekeeping Federation began in 1943 as a way to keep its members abreast of honey industry changes. The federation maintains a set of standards related to the handling of honey bees, the purity of honey and acceptable methods for processing and packaging honey. Membership includes an ABF directory and newsletter, a website and information on government regulations, honey programs, defense funds, conferences and liability insurance plans. Partnership programs are available to help support the federation.

American Beekeeping Federation

3525 Piedmont Road, Building 5, Suite 300

Atlanta, GA 30305



Hawai`i Beekeepers' Association

The Hawai'i Beekeepers' Association promotes beekeeping and the honey industry in Hawaii and supports standards for natural beekeeping and the rights of the individual keeper. Annual meetings feature the election of the association's officers. Memberships and associate memberships are available as well as a newsletter with a calendar of events, government regulatory changes, library articles and other information. The association's site includes an extensive list of related links, a bulletin board and membership information.

Hawai`i Beekeepers' Association

3081 G. Paty Drive

Honolulu, HI 96822



British Beekeepers Association

The British Beekeepers Association maintains a network where more than 63 UK associations can promote the honey and beekeeping industry. The BBKA provides its more than 19,000 members with information about changes in British and European Union beekeeping regulations and related farming regulations. Member benefits include the BBKA's newsletter, beekeeping examination levels, audio and slide aids, blood disease and liability insurance, an annual honey show and beekeeping advice. Local association courses and events are held in conjunction with and supported by the British Beekeepers Association; starter kits and educational tools are available.

British Beekeepers Association

The National Beekeeping Centre

National Agricultural Centre

Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire CV8 2LG


Ontario Beekeepers Association

The Ontario Beekeepers' Association acts on behalf of more than 2,250 beekeepers in the Canadian province of Ontario by presenting programs and concerns to the legislative levels of government and reporting responses and changes back to the membership. The mission of the OBA includes pushing for honey industry regulations, crop insurance and pest-resistant methods. The association's public awareness programs includes providing educational resources about the industry and beekeeping to schools and farm community newspapers and periodicals. Memberships help to support research, seminars, the association's website and journal, safety programs and provincial representation.

Ontario Beekeepers Association

8560 Tremaine Road, Box 476

Milton, ON L9T 4Z1



Tags: Beekeepers Association, honey industry, British Beekeepers, British Beekeepers Association, American Beekeeping, American Beekeeping Federation, Beekeeping Federation