Wednesday 15 July 2015

What Is A Pyramid Bunk Bed

A pyramid bunk bed is a bunk bed design that combines a larger lower bed with a smaller upper bed. Like a traditional bunk bed, there are two beds stacked on top of one another, allowing one person to climb a ladder to the higher bed. A pyramid bunk bed, also known as a mission bunk bed, can accommodate both children and adults. Does this Spark an idea?


Traditional bunk beds are often designed for children and as such as composed of smaller twin or single-bed mattresses. The pyramid bunk bed allows for people of various sizes to utilize the bunk bed design. The bottom bed is larger and can fit up to two people, while the upper bunk is designed for one person.

Mattress Sizes

This type of bunk bed is designed with a full size mattress on the lower bunk with a twin or single mattress on the top bunk. The bottom bunk is wider and the frame of the bottom bunk extends further out than the top bunk. Some bunk beds may come with two twin mattresses or two full mattresses but in order to be considered a pyramid bunk bed, the upper mattress must be smaller.

Frame Dimensions

According to the average dimensions for a pyramid bunk bed are 69 1/2" high x 81" long x 58" deep. The depth is measured at the widest point of the bunk bed frame, in this case the lower bunk.


Some bunk bed frames are sold just as a frame and do not include mattresses. With this in mind it is important to determine what size mattresses the pyramid bunk bed frame can hold. Since the traditional pyramid design holds a twin on the top bunk and a full on the bottom, you will need to purchase one of each size if the bed does not come with mattresses.


If the bunk bed is used with two children, the pyramid design offers a unique advantage for the children. The larger or older child can take the lower bunk bed while the smaller or younger child can take the top bunk bed. Also, the bed is useful for sleepovers as it can allow multiple children to fit on the lower bunk mattress.

Only children can benefit from the pyramid design as well, starting out on the upper bunk and moving down to the lower bunk as they grow. At that time the upper bunk can be removed, used for sleepovers, or as a storage space for lightweight items such as stuffed animals or clothing.

Tags: lower bunk, pyramid bunk, pyramid bunk, pyramid design, upper bunk, bottom bunk, bunk beds