Thursday 30 July 2015

Find New Cushions For A Glider Rocker

Find New Cushions for a Glider Rocker

The glider rocker creaks softly as you rock your baby back and forth. This wonderful piece of furniture has become like an old friend, as you settle down when the baby needs to be rocked and calmed. After almost a year of non-stop use, however, the cushions are losing their plumpness and are starting to bottom out in spots. Because you want to be comfortable while you're rocking away, you decide it's time to purchase a new set of glider rocker cushions. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Contact the rocker retailer. Your success with this option will depend upon the stock carried by the retailer. If you purchased the glider rocker online, for example, the shopping site may not include replacement cushions in their inventory. If the cushions can be purchased through a special order, they may be prohibitively expensive.

2. Contact a replacement cushion company. Glider Rocker and Cushion World specializes in three types of glider rocker replacement cushions: (1) New cushions for specific glider rocker models; (2) Ready made cushions designed to fit a variety of new and older model rockers; and (3) Custom cushions crafted from the dimensions of your existing cushions. For model specific cushions, obtain your rocker's model number before ordering. For ready made cushions, get the measurements of your current cushions first.

3. Look in local furniture stores. If a local retailer carries your glider rocker model, he may also carry the replacement cushions (or can order them). This alternative offers two advantages: (1) You spend your money in your local community; and (2) You can try in-stock cushions before you pay for them.

4. Get an upholsterer to make the cushions. A local upholstery company can craft your cushions to your exact specifications, including the cushion depth, color, and material. Because the craftsman may utilize your old cushions as a pattern, however, you may temporarily be without your current cushions.

5. Call a yacht canvas expert. In addition to making coordinated boat covers and accessories, a yacht canvas professional may include cushion work as part of his repertoire. Jobs scheduled during the "off season" often receive a discount in exchange for keeping workers busy. Because customers are sometimes charged for travel time from the yacht canvas workshop, it may be cost effective for you to take the rocker and cushions to the shop.

6. Task a talented high school seamstress. A capable student seamstress may be able to tackle your cushion project in her spare time, and at a reasonable price. As an alternative, ask a local 4H club to suggest members with the skill and patience to excel at this painstaking work.

Tags: glider rocker, replacement cushions, yacht canvas, current cushions, Cushions Glider