Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Donate Office Supplies To Public Schools In New York

Many charities facilitate donations of office supplies to schools.

Donated office supplies and other items can help enhance the learning environment for students. Public schools frequently require books, computers, furniture and other supplies. Instead of throwing away office supplies that you no longer need, consider donating them to schools. You can also donate new items. A number of charities will accept office supplies and other items, and they will distribute these donations to public schools.


1. Research charities. The Pencil Box, Tools 4 Schools, Materials for the Arts and Children for Children are charities that accept donations of office supplies ranging from paper to office furniture. These organizations distribute supplies to public schools in New York City. When researching charities, you should confirm how and where they distribute supplies, what items they are looking for and if they are registered. You should also look for independent reviews of the charities you identify in your research.

2. Call a school or a school district. If you would like to donate to a specific school or school district, contact them directly to see if they accept donations of office supplies. Explain who you are and why you wish to donate to the school. The following steps still apply if you have decided to donate directly to a school rather than a charity.

3. Make an inventory of your office supplies and identify what you might want to donate. You may want to include books, computers, furniture and other office supplies such as paper, staplers, pens and pencils. Books, computers and office furniture should be gently used and in good condition.

4. Contact the charity. Speak directly with staff at the charity or charities you are considering to better understand the mission and work they do. You can also confirm what items are needed, share a list of what you would like to donate, and ask how donations can be made.

5. Pick a charity. Your research will help you identify what items charities are seeking. It will also help you identify a specific charity serving your neighborhood, a neighborhood of interest, or a school that you would like to direct your donation. Researching the history and background of a charity will also help you decide which one you would like to support.

6. Buy new office supplies. If you would like to buy items that the charity is specifically seeking, or if you would like to add to the inventory you will be donating, considering buying supplies. Remember to always confirm which items the charity will accept before buying anything.

7. Wipe or clean any furniture you wish to donate, especially if your item has been in storage. Make sure they are safe to use and not damaged. Also ensure that any phones, fax machines, computers, printers or other equipment that you are donating is in good operating condition.

8. Drop-off the items or arrange for pick up of your donation. Confirm if the organization is willing to pick up donations from your home or office.

9. List your items on charity databases. Some charities may have a web-based database where you can list the items you wish to donate. Schools then search the database and contact you to arrange for pick up. The Pencil Box and Materials for the Arts maintain these types of databases.

10. Consider making a financial contribution. You may wish to make a financial contribution to assist charities that collect and distribute office supplies and other items for public schools. Some organizations, such as Donor's Choose and Adopt-a-Classroom, also allow donors to donate funds to specific proposals posted by teachers. Some of these proposals include requests for office supplies.

Tags: office supplies, would like, donations office, donations office supplies, office supplies other, other items, public schools