Monday, 16 November 2015

Buy Rose Plants In San Diego

Buying rose plants in San Diego is easy at one of the local nurseries.

San Diego is located within the USDA garden hardiness zones 9 to 11, which are characterized by ocean influences, dry summers and a growing season that extends year-round, similar to Florida and Hawaii. The San Diego Union Tribune describes San Diego as one of the best and easiest places to grow roses because there is no danger of frost, no excessive heat and no annoying pests. Does this Spark an idea?

Mission Hills Nursery

Founded in 1910, Mission Hills Nursery has two locations in San Diego county. Mission Hills Nursery offers gardeners the opportunity to view images of their catalog of rose bushes and order roses online. Consumers at gave Mission Hills Nursery a rating of 4 out of 5 stars.

Mission Hills Nursery

1525 Fort Stockton Drive

San Diego, CA 92103


City Farmers Nursery

City Farmers Nursery was founded in 1972 by a San Diego native. They maintain all of their roses with organic fertilizers and pest control.

City Farmers Nursery

4832 Home Avenue

San Diego, CA 92105-4405


Walter Anderson Nursery

Since 1928, Walter Anderson Nursery has been selling roses and other plants in San Diego. According to their website they pride themselves on community involvement and excellent service. Walter Anderson Nursery received a rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars from consumers at Google Maps.

Walter Anderson Nursery

3642 Enterprise Street

San Diego, CA 92110-3293


Tags: Hills Nursery, Mission Hills, Mission Hills Nursery, Anderson Nursery, Walter Anderson, Walter Anderson Nursery, City Farmers