Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Foundations For Handicapped Art Programs In North Carolina

Art programs are designed for people with various disabilities.

Special needs can affect a person's ability to participate in organized art programs from theater productions to arts education, but a number of organizations in North Carolina have explicit goals and missions of removing structural barriers to enjoyment of the arts by people who are blind or deaf, people who use a wheelchair and children who have a number of chronic conditions and illnesses. Experiencing art programs and creative expression is therapeutic to many people when access is facilitated.

Arts Access

Arts Access is an organization in Raleigh, North Carolina, that supports programs to make art accessible to people with a variety of disabilities. Arts Access provides free audio description services at area theater events for people who are blind or have low vision, and publicizes performances that have sign language interpretation for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. Arts Access also provides wheelchairs for patrons of area theaters and offers consultation workshops and training for assisting local arts organizations in making their productions accessible to people with special needs. Information about Arts Access services and accessible productions can be found on their website and in their free newsletter.

Arts Access Inc.

PO Box 10574

Raleigh, NC 27605


North Carolina Arts Council

The North Carolina Arts Council supports a variety of arts inclusion resources in their normal operations to provide North Carolina residents with experiences in the arts. All grant recipients must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to make their services accessible, and the North Carolina Arts Council has links online to websites and publications selected to assist organizations in fulfilling this requirement. Resources include national, regional and state resources for meeting accessibility guidelines from the ADA and others, professional accessibility services, model programs and special resources for organizations implementing arts programs for aging people or in health care environments.

North Carolina Arts Council

109 E Jones St.

Raleigh, NC 27601


North Carolina Creative AUTISTIC Living and Learning

North Carolina Creative AUTISTIC Living and Learning (NCALL) is a nonprofit organization that provides residential opportunities for people living with Autism, and it focuses on creative expression through art. NCALL provides a variety of creative and problem-solving opportunities for residents, and it also sponsors an annual arts srecognize work produced by "Autists" throughout the state.


PO Box 935

Franklin, NC 28744

Victory Junction

Victory Junction provides summer camp programs, including arts and crafts among other camp activities, tailored to serve children with 24 different chronic conditions and serious illnesses, including Autism, Spina Bifida, Cancer and Craniofacial anomalies. Arts activities offered for the special needs children at Victory Junction include wood working, painting and clay.

Victory Junction

4500 Adam's Way

Randleman, NC 27317


Tags: North Carolina, Arts Access, Arts Council, Carolina Arts, Carolina Arts Council