Friday, 2 October 2015

Care For A Fig Tree In Chicago In Winter

To ensure success with a Chicago-grown fig tree, choose a variety that is cold-hardy, such as the Chicago Hardy. It will die back in the fall but return in spring. Plant the fig tree in an area of the landscape where it receives protection from Chicago's winter winds. Some Chicagoans grow their figs in containers that can be wheeled to a protected area at the onset of winter. Other ways exist to protect and care for a fig tree in Chicago in the winter. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Mound an 8-inch layer of dried leaves or mulch over the base of the fig tree. Remove the leaves or mulch in the spring after all danger of frost has passed.

2. Tie the stems of the fig shrub or tree together and wrap them in burlap. If your fig plant is not protected from the winter winds in Chicago, pound four stakes, equally spaced, 6 inches from the plant. Wrap burlap or plastic around the outside of the stakes, securing the fabric to the stakes with staples.

3. Move pot-grown fig plants into a dark, protected area such as a garage. Water the plant if the soil dries completely but don't exceed 1 cup of water per month. The fig plant requires a chilling period so don't heat the garage. Inspect the indoor fig tree periodically. If you see new growth, move it into a sunny area.

Tags: Chicago winter, leaves mulch, protected area, winter winds