Friday, 6 February 2015

What Will Clean Antique Salt Shakers

Antique salt shaker

Antique salt shakers are typically family heirlooms that are passed down to later generations if maintained and cleaned. Most late 19th-century to 20th-century shakers made need a simple but careful cleaning after use and before storing. Does this Spark an idea?


Victorian-era homes used painted porcelain, silver, crystal and art glass salt and pepper shakers or condiment sets that collectors love.

Baking Soda

A few teaspoons of baking soda added to a pan of hot water gently cleans most salt shakers. Soak the shakers for a few minutes in the solution, then remove and dry well.

Toothpick or Paperclip

For a delicate salt shaker, empty the shaker and use a toothpick or paperclip to remove any salt from clogged holes, then wipe the outside carefully with a damp cloth.

Corrosion & Ammonia

Soaking silver salt shakers in ammonia in a ventilated area for 10 minutes removes any green corrosion caused by salt. If you still see corrosion after several soakings, take the shaker to a silversmith for professional refinishing.


Clean salt shakers twice a year, then store the shaker without salt when not in use. Before reusing, refill the shaker with a little rice added to the salt to keep it lump free.

Tags: salt shakers, Antique salt, salt shaker