Thursday, 5 February 2015

Open A Christian Counseling Center

As with any new business or organization, opening a Christian counseling center will involve financial risk, resources, and energy. If you have chosen to pursue this particular venture, you must have noticed a need. People seek counsel in every stage of life; therefore, the decision to open a Christian counseling center could benefit the community. The center's Christian focus will provide clients with counsel for worldly struggles with an eternal perspective. A firm, biblical standard will set your center apart from other counseling services; this standard provides a framework for your ministry.


1. Choose an appropriate name for your Christian counseling center. Veer from generic names, but don't substitute professionalism for whim. A name is important because it will shape your client's first impressions. The center's name should directly coincide with the philosophy. For example, "Fruit of the Spirit Christian Counseling"; "His Power Is Made Perfect"; or "Paraclete Christian Counseling."

2. Determine the overarching philosophy of the Christian counseling center. What makes it "Christian"? Select a Bible verse that best demonstrates your purpose and goals for the center. For example, will you offer marital, personal, career counseling, or a combination of each? For example, if your philosophy is based on 2 Corinthians 12:9, your focus could be to "Bring hurting individuals to a place of rest through reliance on Jesus." Your statement will show your counselors and clients what the center is all about.

3. Decide fund your center. If you are providing counseling to the community as a ministry, you may want to consider establishing a nonprofit center. According to the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, it is important that any nonprofit be equipped with a legal adviser who can assist you with state requirements. Ask local Christian churches for support; you may find that they are willing to provide money.

4. Acquire a building or space that is comfortable. While buying property is an option, you may want to wait until you can explore the demographics of your area; for example, do you intend to reach the inner city or suburban population? Renting a space may be the best option so that you can test a location. In the beginning of this development, find out if a local church would allow you to reserve two to three rooms. In time, your number of clients will help determine the amount of space you need. There should be secure, private rooms in which the counselor and client can meet. Eliminate all possible distractions such as noise, unpleasant temperatures, or rickety furniture.

5. Seek out counselors that adhere to the center's philosophy. If you employ pastors, research whether they must obtain a state license. Be aware of and abide by all state requirements. To find out state-specific information concerning counselor licensure and certification, visit the American Counseling Association website. Inform your counselors of ethical guidelines, as well as your chosen biblical principles for counseling. Work with your counselors to decide what goals should be set in counseling sessions. Is the goal to make the client happy, or to encourage him toward a closer relationship with Jesus? The most successful Christian counseling center will be one in which you and your counselors are on the same page; this will ensure consistency in counseling sessions.

6. Strategize on the best way to advertise. Although your first instinct may be to advertise only within Christian churches, consider possible clients outside of this particular faith. If your services are available to the entire community, allocate funds for a website, signage, and distribution materials. A solid marketing strategy will be the key to bringing in clients who need counseling.

Tags: Christian counseling center, counseling center, your counselors, center will, Christian churches