In "EVE Online," your faction standing is everything. Earning loyalty points with NPC factions takes hard work and a lot of time, but the rewards are well worth your trouble. If you want to increase your standing with Sansha's Nation, you've got your work cut out for you. Sansha's Nation is frowned upon by most factions within the EVE universe. However, with patience and diligence, you can get your standing up as high as you please.
1. Complete missions for Sansha's Nation agents. Performing tasks for factions is the only way to gain loyalty points. NPC agents can be found within territories in the Stain region, which is controlled by Sansha's Nation. The more missions you complete, the higher your standing with Sansha's Nation will become.
2. Avoid destroying Sansha's Nation ships. While EVE Online can instill a sense of paranoia when it comes to approaching spacecraft, make sure you are not firing on any ships that are tagged as Sansha's Nation. As you might imagine, factions do not look kindly upon individuals who shoot down their ships.
3. Do not complete quests for rival factions. Sansha's Nation is not well-liked by other NPC factions within "EVE Online." Completing tasks for the following factions will decrease your loyalty points with Sansha's Nation.
Amarr Empire
Caldari State
Ammatar Mandate
Khanid Kingdom
Mordu's Legion Command
CONCORD Assembly
Thukker Tribe
Angel Cartel
The InterBus
The Society
The Syndicate
Conversely, performing missions for the Blood Raider Covenant and Guristas Pirates is approved of by Sansha's Nation.
Tags: Sansha Nation, loyalty points, with Sansha, with Sansha Nation, your standing, factions within