While you play a computer game, your computer accesses many different files in order to allow the game to proceed properly. For some games, mis files are among those used to run a game.
Most files with the mis file extension are known as Saved Game mission files. Another type of mis file is called a Marble Blast Gold mission file.
Both Saved Game mission files and Marble Blast Gold mission files contain the information used for a level or section of the game, including the audio clips, videos and the instructions the computer uses to make the video game work.
Types of Games
Saved Game mission files are used by a number of different computer games, including Ubisoft Ghost Recon, NovaLogic Delta Force, Sierra Tribes: Vengence and many different versions of the EA Games classic Sims games. Marble Blast Gold mission files are used exclusively by Marble Blast Gold, a game where you navigate an animated marble through a complicated series of tracks.
Most mis files are installed along with computer games, but it is also possible for players to develop their own mis files for Marble Blast Gold and other games like the Sims. Custom mis files allow players to customize or change the game experience and are created with text editors or specialized level-creation software programs unique to that particular game.
The mis files that are installed with a computer game are necessary for the program to function properly, and therefore should never be deleted.
Tags: Blast Gold, Marble Blast, Marble Blast Gold, mission files, Blast Gold mission, Game mission, Game mission files