"Resident Evil
4" is a 2005 third-person post-apocalyptic shooter from Capcom that received good reviews and strong support from fans at release. In the game you play as Leon Kennedy, a Secret Service agent tasked with rescuing Ashley Graham, the president's daughter. You fight your way through hordes of zombie-like creatures infected by the "t-virus." In the first act, you find a locked church, and after locating the round insignia key in act two and fighting a boss, you are finally able to get inside the church and continue your mission.
The Round Insignia
1. Enter the dam area at the beginning of chapter 2-1 and fight past two zombies. This is after your boss fight with Del Lago. Continue on until you reach the river.
2. Shoot the chains that hold up the three crates over the river. Use the chains to work your way across the river.
3. Climb the ladder at the southern dock and pull the lever you find.
4. Head back toward the waterfall at the river and fight off the spawning zombies.
5. Enter the cave from the center crate. Grab the round insignia in a door at the end of the cave.
6. Climb into the boat in the cave to head back to the merchant you met earlier in the game.
The Church
7. Fight the El Gigante boss. Dodge its attacks carefully and shoot to weaken it. Once you have done enough damage, El Gigante's plaga (a parasite caused by the t-virus) emerges from its back. Continue shooting the plaga to take out El Gigante.
8. Go back to the church area you were at before you fought the Del Lago boss. Watch out for wolves that charge you.
9. Approach the front door of the church. The screen displays the prompts for you to follow to unlock the door with the round insignia.
Tags: Resident Evil, round insignia