Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Sell Office Furniture To New Clients

The need for businesses to purchase office furniture, whether for the first time or to replace worn office furniture, is a market as large as the country's economic engine. There are a number of different clients that could be approached as new clients for office furniture. Traditionally, office buildings have been the main target of office furniture manufacturers, but with the number of home-based businesses, there is a new opportunity to market to that growing niche of clients.


Selling Office Furniture to New Clients

1. Develop a marketing plan that takes into consideration the types and appropriateness of office furniture for various kinds of clients. Appreciate whether a company's office furniture is an array of cubicle walls or built-in computer desks and chairs. Determine, too, whether the client is a large corporation or a smaller company in an office setting. Understand that a company that sells executive desks, bookcases and leather-bound chairs to corporations might market these products to a home-based business as a luxury office furniture line.

2. Consider other ways to define your target audience as a way to differentiate the company's products in a competitive market. Define your target audience of potential new clients by segmenting your marketing efforts on a particular kind of business, such as accountants, law offices or even graphic designers.

3. Utilize market research studies to understand the needs of your prospect target base. Using focus groups for qualitative research can help you understand the needs of the new prospect group from a functional perspective as well as pricing sensitivities. Consider, if possible, quantitative research to help determine what the revenue potential might be from new sales generated by a new clients. Use this information to sell the idea to upper management.

4. Create the marketing message strategies you'll need to assist in creating awareness among your new client base. Gather information from the focus groups to provide fodder for the creative engines of your advertising or promotional agency.

Develop the promotional creative materials and media plans to reach your prospect clients. Understand, too, that personal selling will be an important part of the marketing plan. Ensure your sales staff is prepared with a 25-second elevator pitch as well as longer sales presentations where details of pricing, delivery and warranties are thoroughly discussed with a new client.

Tags: office furniture, your target audience, company office, focus groups, Furniture Clients, marketing plan, office furniture