Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Open A Private Kindergarten

You can open your own kindergarten.

Deciding to open a private kindergarten is not an easy endeavor. It is a project that will require a lot of advanced planning, a hefty amount of capital and possibly years of invested time before you can open the doors of your school. You will also need to investigate state regulations and licensing procedures, which may be time consuming. However, with the right mindset and a lot of determination, you can open your own kindergarten.


1. Form a planning committee. This should consist of educators, interested parents, a private school consulting firm and potential donors. A planning committee should lay out the basic structure for the kindergarten, including developing a mission statement, determining your goals for the school and discussing how you can achieve your goals. It should set up the foundation of the kindergarten, taking it from intangible ideas to an outlined plan of action.

2. Meet to discuss logistics of the kindergarten. This is different from the first step in that there you work to bring the kindergarten from the planning stages to reality, while in this step you work out the smaller details and day-to-day operations of the kindergarten. Some topics that you should cover are where the kindergarten will be housed, how you will cover expenses and what legal aspects are involved. Private schools are not required to adhere to state curriculum guides, but can if they want to. These guidelines can be found on your state educational website and are usually called the "Education Code." You should also keep in mind that children are not legally required to attend kindergarten at all in most states, so the curriculum should be attractive and inspire parents to want to send their children.

3. Examine other kindergartens to garner tips and discover what does and does not work. Research everything from the way they are run to the lessons being taught in the classroom so that you can form your own methods and styles.

4. Contact your state Department of Education to find out what permits you need to obtain and what insurance you should have. Make sure you fulfill all of its requirements and meet its regulations before you advertise your kindergarten to the public.

5. Solicit funds that will enable you to open your doors. Funds can be obtained from a variety of sources, such as government grants, local organizations that believe in your cause and private donors. Once you decide on the mission for your kindergarten, research organizations that share a similar mission and approach them for donations.

6. Hire staff for your kindergarten such as teachers, assistant teachers, a secretary, a financial manager and a cleaning crew. Decide with your planning committee or school board how much you will pay your employees and how you will be able to afford this before you finalize any contracts with your staff. An accountant or a private school consulting firm, if you have hired one, can be helpful in determining what is reasonable.

7. Obtain a building to house your kindergarten and stock it with supplies and furniture.

8. Market your kindergarten to the public by putting out advertisements in kid-friendly places, such as the local library and playgrounds, and hosting an open house that allows prospective parents and students to meet the staff and tour the building.

Tags: your kindergarten, open your, planning committee, consulting firm, kindergarten public, open your kindergarten