Plant native flowering plants in the garden beds.
Craftsman style homes gained recognition during the arts and crafts period in the 19th century, but they are still reproduced or restored due to their attractive, detailed architecture. The homes are made more appealing with the use of landscaping, which creates an outdoor extension of the living quarters. Craftsman home landscaping typically consists of native and exotic plants. The idea of landscaping a Craftsman style home is to bring modern life closer to the pleasing aspects of nature. Incorporate not only plants in craftsman home landscaping, but also sitting areas made for relaxing. Does this Spark an idea?
1. Map out a preliminary landscape design on a piece of paper. Do not be concerned with making it perfect, but create a simple sketch to give you an idea of where you plan to place garden beds, walkways and patios. Continue to revise the sketch until you have developed a design you like.
2. Map out your yard using marking paint or yard stakes. Refer to your sketch, outlining garden bed areas, walkways and patios. If not drawn to size, the outlined areas may not be as small or large as on your sketch, so make adjustments as needed according to the size of your yard.
3. Install a white picket garden fence around the perimeter of the yard.
4. Purchase patio and walkway supplies. Do not use basic cement, but choose materials that reflect the natural environment, such as patio stones or sand-set brick.
5. Form all patios and walkways. If you are not familiar with making a patio or walkway, hire a professional to create them for you.
6. Place a wrought-iron arched trellis behind the garden gate or where a path and patio meet.
7. Choose a variety of native plants, heirlooms and roses to plant in the garden beds. Plant evergreen and deciduous plants to create year-round color. Choose flowering plants that attract hummingbirds and butterflies to the garden.
8. Train climbing roses or flowering vines to grow up the arched garden trellis.
9. Cover all garden beds with fresh mulch or small garden pebbles. Surround the beds with stones or decorative garden edging.
10. Place outdoor furniture on the patios, creating relaxing retreats. Set chairs, tables, benches or swings in the areas. Use only enough to create a relaxing space without overcrowding it.
11. Place a birdbath or large fountain in the center of the yard, creating a focal point.
Tags: garden beds, beds with, Craftsman style, flowering plants, home landscaping, patio walkway, walkways patios