Thursday, 29 January 2015

Prune Olive Trees In California

Olive trees take many years to mature and begin providing olives, so it is vital that olive growers understand prune their trees for the long haul. Olive trees are susceptible to a wide range of diseases, including many fungal varieties. It's important that the tools used to prune your olive tree be free from any disease-bearing infections before pruning begins. Olive trees should not be pruned from the "outside in," but rather from the "inside out." The rounded canopy of leaves on an olive tree should be left intact; pruning should take place inside the canopy of the tree, allowing air and sunlight easy access to the interior branches of the tree. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Sterilize all pruning shears and saws with bleach and water.

2. Remove all dead branches, as well as any branches that show signs of disease. Signs can include swelling, wet spots, dark patches, fungus growth, dead or curling leaves or leaves of an odd color.

3. Climb up inside the tree and prune branches that do not reach the outside canopy of the tree. Make the inside portion of the canopy open and airy. From a distance, the outside canopy of the tree should be rounded and fairly even.

4. Pick up all cut branches and leaves and remove them from the area of any olive trees.

Tags: canopy tree, branches that, olive tree, Olive trees, outside canopy