Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Get Free Clothes On Club Penguin

Celebrate Club Penguin with a gala party. The penguins in charge at the island of Club Penguin enjoy putting on festive celebrations. Party themes include water parties, medieval parties, fall festivals and April Fool's Day parties. Approximately once each month, penguins will gather for the festivities, many lasting as long as five days. During these parties, get free clothes on Club Penguin that fit with the party theme. You may find a hat, a shirt or an outfit for your penguin in a box somewhere on the island.


1. Visit the Club Penguin website and log in to your penguin account with your penguin's name and password. Select a server to visit by clicking it from the list of available servers and click "Play Now."

2. Find the party box located in one of the Club Penguin neighborhoods. Click on the map in the lower left corner to choose a neighborhood to visit. Once your penguin appears in the neighborhood, wander around looking for a large cardboard box. The box could be sitting anywhere, but it will be plainly visible as you look for it.

3. Open the box by walking over to it and clicking it with your mouse. A window will appear telling you what the free item is and asking you if you want to claim one of the free clothing items inside the box. Answer "yes." Whatever the item, it will appear in your penguin's inventory.

4. Click your penguin once and then click the blue tab in the upper right corner to view your inventory. Browse through the inventory until you find the free item you just acquired. Click the item to wear it.

Tags: Club Penguin, your penguin, free item, will appear, with your