Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Fix A Ripped Winter Coat

Coat repair varies with the coat's shell material.

A tear in any material of jacket is possible to fix with the right techniques. The easiest tears to repair are smaller tears, less than 3 inches in length. It is possible to repair larger tears, but they will still be visible to the naked eye after repairing. Always use the correct repair method for your coat's material and take your time. The best repairs are created with patience. Does this Spark an idea?


Leather Coat

1. Clean about 1 inch of leather surrounding the tear with rubbing alcohol and a soft cloth.

2. Cut the leather repair cloth to a size one inch larger than the tear on all sides. Cut a rounded shape to prevent peeling. Slide the repair cloth beneath the tear with tweezers. Glue the patch to the leather with the enclosed glue.

3. Apply the leather filler to the tear between the leather patch and the original leather. Fill the tear until the filler sits at the same level as the rest of the leather. Use a leather grain patch to add texture to the filler and to match the rest of the leather grain. Allow the filler to dry for one hour.

4. Sponge on a leather dye to match the color of the filler to the original leather color. Allow the color to dry for one hour, then condition the entire area with leather conditioner.

Nylon Coat

5. Trim away any excess threads from the tear.

6. Pull the two sides of the tear together. Place a round patch of clear duct tape over the front of the tear.

7. Apply a coat of seam grip sealant over the back side of the tear. Allow the glue to dry for 24 hours.

8. Remove the tape from the front of the coat. The tear is now patched and will not open again on its own.

Fabric Coat

9. Trim any loose ends of fabric from the tear.

10. Pull the two sides of the tear together.

11. Sew the sides of the tear together with an overhand whipstitch. Hold the two pieces of the fabric together. Push the needle through both sides of the fabric. Pull the thread through to the knot. Pull the needle over the two sides of fabric and push the needle through the same side of the fabric again. Repeat this stitch for the entire tear. This will create an overhand stitch that will hide the rough edges of the fabric and create a tight bond for the two sides of the tear. Sew beyond the line of the tear, about ½ inch on either side of the tear, to strengthen the bond.

Tags: sides tear, sides tear together, tear together, about inch, Coat Trim, from tear