Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Donate To The Boy Scouts Of America

The Boy Scouts of America movement is the United States' largest youth organization. The organization focuses on character development through rank advancement and peer relationships for boys aged 11 to 17 and leadership development for boys and girls aged 14 to 20. At the end of 2005, the organization claimed nearly 3 million members in local troops, packs and councils. Read on to learn more.


Research the Boy Scouts of America's Mission and Background

1. Learn the boy scout values. The Boy Scouts of America is a self-described "values-based" organization. If you intend to donate, research it thoroughly beforehand to affirm that you share those values.

2. Use the BSA Local Council locator to find the Boy Scouts in your area (see Resources below). Get a schedule of upcoming events and attend, as a spectator or volunteer, to do some pre-donation research.

3. Take a good look at the thorough information on the Boy Scouts of America website to learn more about the scouting movement's history, mission and programs.

Donate to the Boy Scouts of America

4. Click on the "Donate" button at the top of the Boy Scouts of America website to donate funds to your local Boys Scouts council.

5. Check with your local Boy Scout council, either by phone or on its website, to learn about options for donating your used vehicle or boat or making an in-kind donation of campaign supplies.

Maintain Your Relationship With Future Donations and Follow-up

6. Maintain good records of your donations and other correspondence with the Boy Scouts. The Boy Scouts is a charitable organization and you can deduct your donation to the extent allowed by law. You can also refer to these files when considering a future donation.

7. Stay in contact with your local BSA Council, and let the local Scouts know they can contact you for local fund raising drives in the future.

Tags: Scouts America, your local, America website, Donate Scouts, Donate Scouts America